Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friday, 11 Dec 09
I have always been asked to have a daughter so that i can doll her up and daughters will look after you when you are old. Well, there's no guarantee my next child will be a girl, I always tell them. And I can't go on trying until I succeed, I would be a "mu zhu" then.
Although I dismiss these suggestions, I do sometimes imagine how my daughter would look like. Austin resembles papa from the nose downwards and the overall shape of the face. Hansell resembles papa in all the parts of the face where Austin resembles Mummy. So they are very fair children :)
So how would they look like if they were daughters instead? I decided to test this out and here's how they look.
In the midst of the photosnapping, Hansell fell into the toybox. Doubling the fun and hilarity :)

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