Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Day at the Zoo

Sunday, 6 Dec 09 Austin, Papa and Mummy went to the market in the morning. Hansell was still sleeping and so missed the fun marketing trip. While Mummy shopped at the market, Austin and Papa had breakfast at the foodcourt. A trip to the zoo, that's what all kids long for right? Augustine and Hansell had their wish fulfilled as we went to the zoo in the afternoon. Austin brought along his brown note book to jot down the names of the animals he saw (in order of what was seen): stingray, crocodile, otters, white tiger, hippo, warthog, wallaby, emu. Then we headed to KIDZWORLD where the 2 boys had much but short fun playing in the water. Here are some pics of them having fun. As we were going back and heading towards the entrance, Austin asked Mummy, "Did you have a nice day?". And I said "Of course, any day spent with my children is always a nice day". He asked why, so i said "Because I can see you every minute of the day" :)

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