Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Late Posts Aiyy, it's a 3 month delay as my last post was in May. So will report key events which happened in the last 3 months. The Yap family went to Australia, Perth with cousin Ryan. First stop was Perth, then down south to Harvey Farm, Margaret River and back to Perth. We rented a car which we thought would be a rather comfortable saloon since it's 1.8 litre. But we were shocked to see a not too big hatch which doesn't have a full boot. Oh dear, we have 3 luggages, a car seat and 5 bodies. How to squeeze?? But we managed to make it :) every time we had to move with the 3 luggages which became fatter as the days went by. The kids had an enjoyable time in Australia, from city shopping at supermarkets most of the time since Ryan needed a constant replenishment of fresh milk, instant noodles, rice and chicken; to visiting the underwater world, to farm stay where the kids got to come up close and personal with animals such as donkey, cow, lama, chickens and rabbits. They had a really good time. They also had a chance to feed a dog which somehow knew that Ryan had unfinished pasta which he needed help to clear. We were there for 10 days. Was so fun, though tiring, that we were sad to return. Austin cried when we reached home in Singapore. The photos will be in my next post. Other interesting things that happened: i) Hansell started attending nursery classes at Kinderland, where Austin used to be from. So, familiar faces and environment for us. Hansell is also enjoying school now. Strange thing is that he will always say "I fight in school today". When you ask him with who, he'll say "with teacher"...strange?? ii) To our horror, Austin's myopia increased from 75 (end of last year) to 200 plus when we brought him for a check recently. So we made him a new pair of myovision spectacle which is supposed to control his myopia. More updates coming...soon i hope :)

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