Sunday, November 29, 2009

Was a long and enjoyable weekend.
As mentioned, the cousins came to stay over the weekend to play Monopoly. This traditional game has suddenly regained its popularity in my family with even my mummy and godmummy hooked.
Poor little Sarah was so uncomfortable and scared yesterday as tua pui ah yi was around. She was such a different sight yesterday, sitting so quietly in a corner the whole day when she would otherwise be screaming and running around with Austin. (A pic of princess sarah and prince austin as described by austin).
Ryan emerged the winner yesterday. But he's not satisfied and kept asking for us to continue with another game.
Dinner was at Gui Lin restaurant. The ever generous Ah Ma ordered so much food that there were 2 types of fried rice (one with egg and salted fish for jacky and one kosong for Ryan). Noodles were also of 2 varieties, one black (2 plates) and one ee fu for Augustine who liked the black one better.
Then was home sweet home and for Ryan, was another game (or more) of Monopoly at Ah Ma's and Ganma's house. All thanks to Austin who was so generous to loan his Monopoly to Ryan. Austin continued with another game of Dinopoly at home with Daddy and Mummy. In the midst of the game, Hansell ran away with the dice and when Daddy took it back, he said "Bad Daddy" cute :)

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