Friday, May 14, 2010

June Holidays

Hooray! SA exams are over. Austin was busy preparing for his mid-year exams over the past 2/3 weeks. First, was a series of mock tests in school for English, Maths and Chinese. He faired ok but as kiasu parents, we wanted him to fare better. But there were really areas where he is weak in and so we targeted on these. Glad that the exams are finally over. But it's really the beginning of a journey full of exam preps and study. That's why i thought it's good to train him now by starting to impose curfews on when to study/play/eat etc :) While Austin was busy with his exams, Hansell was busy fighting an infection. He had fever over 3 to 5 days and finally rashes on the last 3 days when the infection was clearing up. Thank God we have Maria with us...she's the one who fed him medicine and looked after him when we were at work. So what's in store for the kids in June.....hmm it's a trip to Australia in mid-June. ....and cousin Ryan will be coming along. So it's 2 adults and 3 kids, ranging from 2.5 yrs to 9 yrs old. Think it's going to be tough...hmm Will update again when we are back....