Monday, January 18, 2010

Austin in School

My last post was in Dec 09. How time has passed. It is already 2010 and Austin has been in school for the past 2 weeks. He is coping well in school so far, and is enjoying it. He told me last Saturday morning that he likes Mon to Fri as he can go to school. Sat and Sun are boring because he doesn't need to go to school. What a surprise. He used to say the reverse when he was in kindergarten. His teachers are all nice, according to him. There are a few, though, he finds them strict and is quite afraid of them. Well, it's not a big concern since we all have teachers whom we were particularly afraid of when we were young. Perhaps that's how those teachers make sure you complete their homework and pay attention in class. On 8 and 16 Jan, daddy and I went to attend parent support classes in Austin's school. Took some photos of his classroom. Posted one below. On Sunday 17 Jan, we brought the kids to the zoo. Austin was Hansell's guide for the day. And poor Hansell, he fell down a few times that day. Here are some photos taken. Watch out for that komodo dragon, it aims for the legs when attacking its prey. And the leopard, it's interesting. I gestured to the cat asking him to walk over for a photo. And indeed he did, and went over for a drink.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Trip to Haw Par Villa

Austin is reading "Xi You Ji". So we brought him to HPV to learn more about the legendary figures of Xun Wu Kong, Zhu Ba Jie and Tang Sen. Austin was fascinated. We also brought him to the Court of Hell where he learnt that one would be punished in the 10 courts of hell for committing sins in one's lifetime. Is a good way to educate children to be good. That one will be punished nevertheless for the sins committed while one is alive. As the saying goes "shan you shan pao, er you er bao. Bu shi bu bao, zhi shi shi chen wei dao". This is the solemn reminder at the entrance to the Court of Hell.

To Malacca and Haw Par Villa

Shortly after our return from the cruise on Friday, we left for Malacca on Monday. Stayed at Everly Resort Hotel, which is an affordable and yet beautiful resort hotel by the sea. However, Austin was too afraid to go near the sea. The sky was really starry at night and Hansell sang twinkle twinkle little stars. Aunty Maria told Austin that the 3 stars in line are believed to be the "Three Kings" seen in the sky on Christmas night.
Here are some pictures to enjoy.
There are 2 pics where we were in the capsule of the Singapore Flyer equivalent. It's called "Eye of Malaysia". Can you spot which 2?